Wednesday, December 23, 2009

When should you first brush a puppies/dogs teeth?

Your puppy's teeth may look beautiful right now and that is the best time to start brushing: when they don't need it. There are toothpastes just for dogs in flavors like beef or liver. Human toothpaste can upset your puppy's tummy so use only toothpaste made for dogs. There are also toothbrushes made just for dogs, but that is not necessary.

Start by working the toothpaste down between the bristles and letting your puppy chew on the toothbrush. If you leave the toothpaste on top like when you brush your own teeth, they will lick it off before you have a chance to brush! Brushing your puppy's teeth will help prevent gum disease and ';dog breath'; and will give you the opportunity to observe their teeth and mouth, so you will notice if anything is wrong.When should you first brush a puppies/dogs teeth?
Well, you don't really have to start until the adult teeth come in, but the earlier the better so that the dog gets used to it.

Start when they are young so the teeth stay healthy and so that the dog is used to it and doesn't mind when you do it.

I try to brush my dog's teeth every day, but sometimes I forget and do it every other day or every few days, but they should be brushed every day just like people.When should you first brush a puppies/dogs teeth?
NOW: You can make your own chew toy for your puppy!

Take a clean washcloth and soak it with water. Then twist it real tight. Put it in the freezer. Later, after it's frozen, give it to your puppy to chew on. It will numb his sore gums and he will feel better. Always supervise your dog - do not allow him to shred and eat the cloth.
like once a month if you give them bones it scrapes off their gunk so you don't need to brush their teeth that often but give them bones and brush their teeth but soft foods that you give them add gunk so i would avoid that!
Who said that you should ever brush a dogs teeth. Given the correct diet and chews, there is no need to. The vet can clean the dogs teeth if required at the annual check up.
Brush the teeth at least once a months but i'd start brushing them as a puppy so they dont bite you but if you feed it dry dog food the teeth stay healthy and white =D but only use DOG toothpaste!
i give my pup a shower once a weeek and brush wen i give her a showerr as well..i started when she was 4 months
as soon as possible so they get used to it, but if they eat dry dog food and chew bones (nyla bones) they shouldnt need their teeth cleaning. my 5 year old retriever has never had her teeth brushed and hers are still white
now before they grow with plaque and turn yellow...when they a like at least 1 year old

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