Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hi when ever i brush my teeth i always bleed it has been for a long time What can i do about it?

Use a softer toothbrush. I know it sounds simple, but it'll make a huge difference.

Also, of course, check with your dentist. You may have some gum disease.

And don't forget to floss!Hi when ever i brush my teeth i always bleed it has been for a long time What can i do about it?
Get some Listerine mouth wash and start rinsing your mouth out twice a day with it. Then floss and brush your teeth.

If this is very bad as far as the bleeding then you need to go to the dentist and get under their plan to fight gingivitis. They literally go through and measure the level of your gums. This does not hurt at all. They heavily floss your teeth and irrigate your mouth with a special mouth wash solution. This has certain type of medication. After all this is finished they will give you the mouth wash they used and tell you to do this once a day.

Then do a follow-up with your dentist after a month or so. You should be able to tell it is working because your gums will not be bleeding as much, if any at all. Hope this works!!!!Hi when ever i brush my teeth i always bleed it has been for a long time What can i do about it?
u need to go to dentist probly have gum disease or just brushing way to hard
Are you flossing? If not, you need to. It sounds like you might have some ginigivitis going on. The flossing should help. Need to I tell you to get it checked out with a dentist?
DUH go see a dentist.
use warm water on bristles and then run fingers across bristles before putting in mouth. u have sensitive gums. get a softer head brush and use mouthwash to make sure your mouth is always clean

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