Wednesday, December 23, 2009

If you had to brush your teeth with one of the following, which one would you choose?

And why?

feather duster


ceiling fan

windshield wiper

carpet sample

toilet paper


big toeIf you had to brush your teeth with one of the following, which one would you choose?
Carpet...If you had to brush your teeth with one of the following, which one would you choose?
Big toe.

I trust my toe. I know where it's been. Unless it goes away on one of those awful business trips that it always has to go to. Then I scrub it extra hard.

But I could sterilize my toe, then glue brushes onto it and brush away!!

And when I say sterilize I'm talking about mouthwash, soap, all-purpose cleaner...

Plus the texture of most of the rest of those freaks me out. Ever picked up a wool blanket and rubbed it against your teeth? It's an indescribable feeling. Try it. Right now.

And I think that a ceiling fan would hurt. Badly.

toilet paper - easiest and less dirty

feather duster is just strange

carpet sample on my teeth would just make me cringe

eraser doesn't taste very well


probably wouldn't be able to reach my toes with my big toe

and the windshield wiper would be my 2nd choice.

Toilet paper.

Because it wouldn't last long so I wouldn't have to brush my teeth for as long with it as I would a regular toothbrush.

Besides, nobody said it was used.

eraser because it seems the closest to a toothbrush to me and you could rinse it off first to kill germs and it would be easier and less nasty than the others
Windshield wiper.

I could use the tip to get at the bits between the teeth, and the wipers leave the windshield pretty it should do the trick for teeth too.

toilet paper, as long as it is clean. I really think it is a no brainer the other items are subject to contamination and i would never put them near my mouth.
Eraser - it's small enough to put in your mouth and hard enough to *erase* plaque and bacteria on your teeth.

or toilet paper?
probably the eraser because you could really scrub with it.....however, you would need to rinse really well to get the little eraser pieces out of your mouth.
eww..uhh haha carpet sample or big toe ewww i would like disinfect it a million times...both..haha weird i would prefer a toothbrush


-Raindrop ♥

I dunno.
probably eraser because you can break it in half and it would have ridges..
Toilet paper wrapped around your finger can be a qick fix until your toothbrush is available!!!!
Eraser, cos hopefully it would erase all the plague.
Eraser or big toe. I once lost my toothbrush for three days when we were camping, and I had to brush my teeth with my finger. Not pleasant, I had braces.
if it was a clean new carpet sample i would use that

cause it think it would be abrasive enough to get off the germs but not like nasty.
carpet sample because it would probably work best for removing plaque
Eraser because it could be washed after each use.
toilet paper. under the circumstances that it wasnt used.
lmao big toe. Ok i guess the Feather duster we barley use ours at my house and it sounds less painful than brushing you teeth with a ceiling fan...

Maybe an eraser, but it would leave the awful pink residue
ugh can you imagine how nasty toilet paper would be if you brushed your teeth with it? yuck

I'd pick the windshield wiper as long as it was completely clean.
Probably an erase or toilet paper. Theyre the cleanest!!
Either the carpet because you could scrub better or my Big toe because you could use the nail to get out pieces of food.
carpet sample

- there are fibers in there I can floss with, and overall the carpet does the best job
feather duster
toilet paper
  • oil
  • footnote
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