Friday, January 8, 2010

I never brush my teeth And I have no cavity?

and i never went to the dentist.I never brush my teeth And I have no cavity?
Dude, kudos on not having cavities, that proves you have some damned strong enamel on your teeth, but what about bad breath? Brushing your teeth does far more than just prevent cavities, it also cleans your mouth and tongue. Think of all the bacteria you must be walking around with in your mouth. I will leave you with a famous quote by Homer Simpson:

Bart: Dad, do I have to brush my teeth tonight?

Homer: No, but at least rinse your mouth out with soda.I never brush my teeth And I have no cavity?
If you've never went to the dentist how do you know you don't have cavities? The only way that you can know for sure is to have x-rays taken...? .... and if you never brush your teeth i think you should be worried about Periodontal Disease instead of Cavities.
If you never went to the dentist...than how do you know that you have ';no cavities';?

And you never brush your teeth???? Believe me, you probably don't have to tell anybody that you never brush your teeth. They know when you breath their way!

Brush your teeth....mister! Yuk!!!!!
We will see what your mouth is like when you are 40-50-60---.

Good luck!

Part of taking care of your teeth is developing the GOOD HABITS that will serve you and your teeth and gums well over the years.
That's disgusting, just because you don't get cavities doesn't make it good hygiene. It's like saying you never take a shower but don't smell, it's still gross and you are still dirty.
Maybe you just don't feel the cavity. There still could be one there. You never know. Just go to your dentist (please) and get regular cleanings.
u get cavities from eating sweets

u should brush ur teeth though b/c ur dead food that u ate are gonna be stuck on there for the rest of ur life and ur breath is going to stink like

gross you should brush your teeth before they fall out
u r gross
how u going to get a girl?

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